Our Learning
From September 2015, national curriculum levels will no longer be used for statutory assessment. Schools are developing their own assessment systems to track progress and attainment alongside the new national curriculum published in 2014. The Final report of the commission of assessment explains the rationale behind the removal of levels as an opportunity to focus on a secure knowledge and a ‘depth and breadth of understanding’ as opposed to a focus on reaching ‘a threshold’.
The report also states the three main forms of assessment that take place;
- Formative assessment ‘evaluate pupils’ knowledge and understanding on a day-to-day basis and to tailor teaching accordingly’
- Summative assessment ‘evaluate how much a pupil has learned at the end of a teaching period’
- Nationally standardised summative assessment ‘used by the Government to hold schools to account’
There is a range of different ways that formative assessment can take place, these include observations, annotated photographs, questioning, peer and self-assessment, group and independent tasks, work samples and responses to feedback and marking. A big focus is on children taking responsibility for their own achievements through reflection and a clear understanding of their strengths and areas for development in order to improve. It is also important that parents and carers have a clear understanding of how they can work together with the school to help support their child’s learning.
It is important that parents and carers have a clear understanding of how they can work together with the school to help support their child’s learning.
At St Paul’s Cray CE Primary School, we are using formative assessment to track each child’s progress on a daily basis. This is then recorded against the objectives for reading, writing and maths to show the progress that children are making through the year, and as they continue through the school. The assessment is used to inform planning and interventions within each class to support learning.
The summative assessment information is used by the teacher, SLT and Governors to track the attainment and progress of each child and cohorts of children. Parents and carers discuss the progress and attainment of their child termly with the class teacher and are encouraged to seek advice at any opportunity they wish on how best they can support their child’s learning at home.
We will endeavour to keep parents informed as soon as we have any further information relating to the way in which we assess and track our pupil's progress and also with regard to the new end of key stage tests which will be introduced in 2016.
Performance Tables for 2019