Kings Coronation Celebrations in School

Please see below/attached details of on the upcoming Kings Coronation Celebrations in school this week.
We are excited to announce that our school will be celebrating Kings Coronation next week with a range of activities that your child will be involved in. We want to take this opportunity to inform you of the schedule of events and invite you to be a part of this special occasion.
On Thursday, your child will be taking part in a special Coronation Dance Workshop. This is a fantastic opportunity for them to learn some traditional dances and have fun with their peers. On Friday, we encourage all children to wear red, white and blue to school (own clothes) as we will be celebrating the Coronation of our King.
On this day, we will be holding a special Collective Worship at 9am followed by the children singing the Coronation song and doing Coronation themed activities throughout the day. We will also be having a special Coronation themed lunch provided by our caterers. Please ensure that you have booked your child's lunch via the Google form that was sent out earlier in the week. They will also be filling a time capsule to be buried on school grounds.
We would like to invite parents and carers to their child's class at 2.45pm for a presentation of the children's work and cake. We hope that you can attend and celebrate this special day with us.